Develop creativity in your relationship with your horse by exploring your own sense of connection, your capacity to listen, and your openness to love.
Begin With ‘Thank You’
‘Begin With ‘Thank You’ is a 4.5 day program offering you tools and guidance to navigate your relationships with horses and humans with perpetually higher states of ease, connection and harmony. Through humor, clarity and loving engagements, you’ll feel changes in your perspectives, yourself and your relationships immediately.
Why Begin with ‘Thank You’?
Are you offering connection? Or are you trying to “get” connection?
Horses listen first to presence and energy, before body language, sound or action.
How clear would you like to be about what you are sharing with your horse?
Do you get caught up in humanity’s “emotional weather”?
Do you know how to relax your mind into harmony when tensions are high?
Maybe you are avoiding certain situations to avoid empathic overwhelm. You might be afraid to feel what you know is waiting to be healed.
You might feel unheard and undervalued in your relationships, and it can leave you feeling alone on your journey, no matter how accomplished you are.
How do you communicate “we are safe together” if you actually feel scared?
Where would you like your relationships to grow?
How will this event assist your journey?
The time you spend among the animals and in nature offers a space that is absent of judgment. Horses provide the opportunity for experiences of yourself in a new relationship with familiar thoughts, emotions and external circumstances.
The tools, perspectives and experiences that we share in these events work at every level of consciousness. Engaging at this level of simplicity bypasses the mind’s habit of controlling and micromanaging. We go straight into a dance with our own consciousness, our own presence, and watch as a higher frequency version of ourselves come forward. You’ll know it because you’ll feel it.
There is no limit to what we can address, discuss and guide you to regenerate in your lifestream.
Invoke your innate ability to know, to communicate, to be without doubt or judgment through all walks of life.
In this event I will share tools, perspectives and experiences that empower you to feel clear in your actions, navigate overwhelm with grace, and enjoy relationships with an open heart.
Clarity eases the sense of conflict in your relationship with your own mind. Free from conflict within your own mind, you have much more space to communicate clearly with your horse.
Clear communication includes both thought and feeling. From a foundation where you’re okay with what you feel, all of your relationships can flourish, beginning with the relationship with yourself.
The Tools help you navigate emotions, your own emotions and those of others, so you can feel clarity in your relationships. You come to know a sense of mastery, not because you know all the answers, but because you know how to use the information you have.
But, just learning the tools isn’t enough. The learning might stay in the mind. To truly know yourself with more clarity takes experience. The magic of these events happens 10 seconds at a time.
Neuroscience supports the approach of creating multiple, small experiences of good feelings while relating to a new pattern in order to change neural pathways and generate a new relationship with familiar things. The tools we share provide you with clarity and simplicity. The time we spend together, among the animals and in nature, offers you a space that is absent of judgment where you can have multiple, self-empowered experiences of yourself in a new relationship with familiar thoughts, emotions and external circumstances.
Questions about the event? Please email
What are we doing in 4.5 days?
Click the + to read a general summary of each day’s festivities.
Registration - $750 per human/horse partnership
Final payments due February 15, 2024
Maximum of 15 participants, minimum of 8, no auditors. You do not need to bring a horse to participate in this event.
Please read the info offered when you click the registration link - thank you!
We gather at 9am to welcome each other, orient you to the program and hear introductions. Once I hear from you, I’ll have a good idea how to craft our time together to best serve your inspiration and curiosity.
After introducing the humans, we go out and meet the horses who are with us on this journey.
I will share a tool called “Mind, Watch The Body” that will serve as the foundation for our explorations together. Weaving wisdom, experience, humor and guidance, we explore awareness in both obvious and subtle ways that can open the door to greater connection and clarity with our horses and in all relationships.
The morning begins with a circle of reflection from our experiences the previous day. This day will offer several breaks in the conversation - breaks are a great time to visit with the horses, decompress and breathe. Most of our time will be “classroom style” on this day. We can enjoy exercises in pairs to expand awareness of subtle energy as well as build confidence in our senses.
Playing together with a human partner, while we are all exploring the absence of judgment, illuminates a state of being that horses occupy naturally. The more we get familiar with how this state feels within ourselves, the easier it will be to bring that state of being to our horses.
The day finishes with a circle of sharing. So much of the learning integrates as we hear one another’s reflections on the day.
Over the previous two days we will have clarified what we each want to explore with our horses. Monday morning, we begin at 9am with the horses.
This is our time to play “hands-on” with doing familiar things with horses from a new level of awareness. The horses will let us know how they feel about it - as we explore listening to them (without judging ourselves or the situation), we make ourselves available for clarity, connection and communication that transcends training.
We finish the day by 1pm with a circle of sharing.
Tuesday’s format echoes Monday’s - we begin at 9 am and finish by 1pm with a circle of reflection.
By now, you might notice that your questions have changed, perhaps evolved, as you get more experience listening through “feel” rather than trying to address everything with the mind. I’ll be excited to play together!
This is our final half-day as a group. Again, we begin at 9am and finish the day by 1pm with a circle of sharing and reflection.
Our priority on this day will be to make sure you have tools, awareness and confidence to take forward into your relationships and interactions with your horses. It’s one of the highest priorities to me that this kind of subtle information feels reachable, pragmatic and foundational for you.
This day will be your time to make sure you ask everything you want to ask before the close of our event.
You will still have the opportunity to schedule a 1-1 with Kerri after the event is complete.
Create a sweet friendship between the mind, the body and You.
Who Is This For?
Professional Applications
Animal-assisted Therapists & Educators
Animal Trainers, Advocates and Rescue Workers
Healers and Pracitioners
Coaches and Mentors
Athletes and Trainers
Teachers and Guides
Non-Professional Applications
Empower yourself to transcend inner conflict
Recognize and expand your intuitive capacity
Communicate with clarity
Cultivate relationships without offense or defense
Listen through conflict, speak from the heart
Discover and expand your ability to communicate with animals and other non-human life.
Discover how intuitive intelligence informs “everyday life” without being in conflict with it.
Everyone’s life is graced with relationships - these tools and perspectives empower you to know yourself more clearly, in both personal and professional relationships, so you can show up as your authentic self.
The universal nature of these tools invokes healing and personal evolution on every level - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
These tools, perspectives and experiences are supportive and appropriate for anyone who is on a journey of self-awareness and interested in experiencing ever-deeper aspects of their own heart with simplicity, grace and humor.
Who Is Kerri Lake?
“I assist people to know their presence, to experience themselves as loved, loving and lovable.”
Kerri was aware of her awareness in infancy. Knowing the absence of doubt, and guided by her relationships with animals and nature, she lives deliberately, assisting humanity see and choose kindness and harmony in relationships.
Her primary vehicle for awakening and personal evolution in this life has been relationships - with family, with animals, with partners, with Creator Consciousness and within herself.
She has experienced several near-death and expanded-consciousness events, each of which reminded her of the dynamic power of living from the heart, for the heart. Without dependence on a modality or system, Kerri has blazed a new trail on the road to freedom from limitations and conditioning. On this trail, all species are welcome and integrate through frequencies of communication.
Kerri is masterful in many ways. Her early awareness included a natural ability to communicate with animals and all of life in subtle realms of consciousness, through energy and presence.
With wisdom, guidance and communication from many teachers (human and non-human), she assists to help you recognize your capacity to experience connection and communication through presence, through the heart.
Why Horses?
When we engage with horses at any level, we include ourselves in the field of pure-hearted awareness. Sometimes people ride, most often, we simply enjoy sharing space with horses, getting to know who they are as we open to know ourselves.
Like benevolent friends, their presence can give us a space to recognize our true heart. It’s not horse-assisted therapy, it is more simple than that, even though deep insights often arise.
The horses never ask you to be something other than what you are - when you allow yourself to show up as you are, your innate intuitive creativity and intellect may begin to effortlessly guide you to know more of yourself than ever before.
Horses demonstrate this way of being, and humanity is finding perpetually more astute and creative ways to notice and adapt our awareness in kind. Horses have never had the opportunity to forget who they are. This is one of the greatest differences between animal consciousness and human consciousness.