Resources and Podcasts
To See Through The Eyes Of The Heart
It is the realm of feeling.
We hope you enjoy this complimentary recording of a recent Monthly Online Gathering.
Listen Like A Horse: Relationships without Dominance
“True equality is the absence of judgment. Throughout our time and activities with animals, they perpetually lead by example: how to live in community, how to let others be exactly who they are, and how to allow ourselves the same freedom.”
Spiritually Gifted: An Auto-Biography
“Ultimately, everyone’s journey is exactly as it must be to illuminate what works for the heart and what doesn’t. As stubborn as I have been, I was handed situation after situation from a benevolent source, offering me perpetual opportunities to stop repeating what doesn’t work. With great compassion, I finally had the courage to see myself without judgment and begin to walk in a new way. It is my honor to share the journey with you.”
Meditations and Recordings
Cultivating The Sweetest Relationship
The one thing that’s consistent through changes in life is the light in your heart. This is a 10 minute reminder that the vulnerability to cultivate a relationship between the mind and the heart is one of the most loving gifts you can give yourself.
Expansion is an experience available to us at any time. This 14 minute guided meditation assists you to generate a sense of expansion and direct that expansive consciousness forward to benefit your life as a whole.
On The Way To The Barn
Not quite a meditation, this recording guides you to create a harmonious state of being, helping you organize your senses for connection with your own body in preparation for connection with your horse(s). You become more honest in your communication and more receptive to your horse’s communication.