Short Writings
You know how people will lament when they say, “Time to get back to reality,” or “…yeah, but that’s not how the real world works”? What is the real world? Who suggested that toil, despair and various flavors of enslavement are what’s “real”?
Living with an open heart acknowledges that who you are is more than what you’ve been taught. An open heart, in a familiar and busy world, cultivates awareness, clarity and courage. There is no single definition of an open heart - it’s a sense, a feeling that you are standing on a foundation from which you cannot fall.
Awareness and acknowledgement without judgment open you to the very kind space of love. With awareness you make yourself available again to experience connection. Your awareness and presence become a neutralizing force throughout the consciousness of conflict and despair. Remember who you are.
Because humanity is unconsciously conditioned and identified with living by judgment, it is so easy to be wrapped up in a vortex of judgments and opinions every day. You feel each other. You sense the opinions of others by the emotions produced, and the emotions produce sensations within you.
You know how people will lament when they say, “Time to get back to reality,” or “…yeah, but that’s not how the real world works”? What is the real world? Who suggested that toil, despair and various flavors of enslavement are what’s “real”?
Like a kid walking into a candy store for the first time, he'd walk around the pasture with long grass hanging out of his mouth, his whole body engaged in a smile, born again into a completely different world.
Living with an open heart acknowledges that who you are is more than what you’ve been taught. An open heart, in a familiar and busy world, cultivates awareness, clarity and courage. There is no single definition of an open heart - it’s a sense, a feeling that you are standing on a foundation from which you cannot fall.
Many people will say they aren't good at asking for help, or they have trouble receiving help. That dance of "not being good" at it isn't about the help, it's about controlling how it comes, how it feels and how it works out. It’s about controlling the experience of emotions.
The value of life cannot be measured. It can be acknowledged and honored through the way humanity interacts with itself and others. When life is the priority, economic systems will flourish. This is simply because the abundance of life excludes nothing. Economic systems exist to perpetuate themselves alone, using or excluding that which cannot be measured by its definitions. Unfamiliar as it might be, the great shift available to us is to recognize when humanity is being influenced to identify with an economic system.
The beauty of being willing to actually experience sensory information, comfortable or not, is for clarity of discernment. If you judge that uncomfortable is "bad" and do your best to avoid or change it, you miss the subtle (or strong) information being provided to you by your higher consciousness clarity.
As a species, horses intend harm to nothing. Of course there are fights, disharmonies, communications of displeasure, fear, anxiety and distrust. If someone is harmed in these interactions, it's from explosive expression, not premeditation of harm. In other words, horses in social structures live in awareness of …
Awareness and acknowledgement without judgment open you to the very kind space of love. With awareness you make yourself available again to experience connection. Your awareness and presence become a neutralizing force throughout the consciousness of conflict and despair. Remember who you are.
Because humanity is unconsciously conditioned and identified with living by judgment, it is so easy to be wrapped up in a vortex of judgments and opinions every day. You feel each other. You sense the opinions of others by the emotions produced, and the emotions produce sensations within you.
In lightness of being there is space for everything. Nothing is excluded, not even the stickiest, crustiest need that drops on your head, dusty from sitting on the top shelf for a couple of decades where someone stuffed it - an emotional trauma…
I wasn’t actually walking as I walked through the fear. I sat still on a railroad tie, leaning against a fence in the sun, cowboy style. My hat was even tipped over my eyes, shading my face. Blue jeans, square toed boots and rowel spurs. Quite a look.
I think there are a lot of ways to look at being honest. In my experience, real honesty, honesty without judgment, is relaxing. It always comes with a sense of effortless kindness. Even if it’s mixed in with other emotions at the same time, honesty always carries a tone that offers ease. I know this from my own experience, but she has to know it through her own experience.
My mind would race. Slow and easy? How do you make things go slow and easy? How can that be the only thing he says?
I could not see, feel or even imagine beyond survival mode at the time. My life consisted of driving a hurt, angry man around to medical appointments in-between work and errands, always…
When I was young, I spent a lot of time trying to figure things out. Every time I looked in the mirror, I saw a human. It was one of the hardest things for me to come to terms with. There was no fur, no hooves or feathers, no beak or long ears. I couldn’t escape that I was “one of them” and I hated that…
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