Courage To Feel Series


A special 3-part, in-person series hosted by
Wild Hearts Equine Therapy in Seneca, SC


Part 1 - Clarity About The Empathic Sense. The discussion will explore relationships between linear & non-linear information, empathic information & intuition.

Deposits are non-refundable

Part 2 - Clarity About Judgment & Discernment. The discussion will explore the relationship between emotion & feeling, judgment & discernment.

Deposits are non-refundable

Part 3 - Clarity About Physical, Mental & Emotional Pain. The discussion will explore the true nature of pain, the relationship between pain and the ego, and the simplicity of generating harmony.

Deposits are non-refundable

Hosted by Wild Hearts Equine Therapy in Seneca, South Carolina

These three events are designed to be experienced in a series. While participation in Part 1 will support your experience of Part 2, and Parts 1 and 2 will support Part 3, you are welcome to attend any of the sessions individually or register to attend all three.

The perspectives, tools and information shared in this series is offered for your consideration, your exploration, and to facilitate clarity in the relationship between your mind, body and heart. Rather than teach a modality or system, Kerri shares from experience & inspiration, offering guidance so that you may sense more clearly the wisdom and truth in your own awareness. Her hope is that you see the pragmatic relevance in this information such that you can make it your own and walk forward in the world, sharing your own magic with an open heart.


Feeling is at the heart of listening.
It begins with awareness.

Discover perspectives and tools that simplify awareness to navigate empathic information in a graceful friendship with your mind.

This event is an opportunity to experience who you truly are by working directly through your heart and true essence.

We’ll explore clarity that can shift your awareness, consciousness and the way you move in the world.

You are nature, organized as a human. Let your mind work in service to your heart, and experience your uniqueness and innate harmony.

This event explores self-awareness as a productive action.

  • Are you “trying” to feel safe with your horse (or with people)?

  • Maybe you’re aware you could do things differently but its hard to change.

  • Are you feeling like “there’s got to be a better way…”?

Read Dufresne’s Story … it will give you a good sense of what is possible when you know your ability to listen and communicate with self-awareness as your foundation.

Courage To Feel began as an online course. We have adapted it into a 3-part, in-person series after many requests to go deeper into the tools, perspectives and wisdom.

Courage To Feel, Part 1

We begin at 9am
on Saturday, April 20, 2024

Empathic information, intuitive clarity and the nature of how we recognize valuable sensory input. It might sound esoteric, but this kind of awareness might be the most pragmatic foundation for relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself.

Courage To Feel, Part 2

We begin at 9am
on Saturday, July 20, 2024

Emotion, feeling, judgment and discernment. Often, these words are used interchangeably, creating confusion when we just want to feel clear in our mind and heart. Discover simple tools to discern with clarity through your own somatic experience.


Courage To Feel, Part 3

We begin at 9am
on Saturday, October 19, 2024

Creating a new friendship between the mind, the body and the heart opens the door to a new kind of relationship with pain, trauma and how you can engage the world without the burden of constant defense. Awareness in the absence of judgment is a pragmatic approach to resolve pain and create the space for healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

US$425 to attend each event

All payment is due 10 days before the start of each event.
Registration is NON-REFUNDABLE 30 days prior to the event.

Lunch will be provided both days of each event.

Accommodation and meals are available nearby. Please contact Wild Hearts, directly for details.
Questions about the event itself? Email Kerri Lake for more info.


The interspecies nature of Kerri’s work can be particularly supportive for Equine Assisted Facilitators of all genres. Discover tools, perspectives and awareness that simplify empathic information, communication, presence and guidance.

Hosted by Wild Hearts Equine Therapy

Get really curious about your own awareness, and the simplicity of translating intuitive communication into everyday life.

bay horse eye

Why Courage To Feel?

Do you know how it feels when your thoughts get caught up in the “emotional weather” of others? Overwhelm or confusion can trigger defenses like self-punishments, numbness, fighting or dissociation. 

Maybe you avoid certain situations to avoid empathic overwhelm. 

You could be aware that you’re suppressing what you actually feel, avoiding what you sense, in order to create some sort of relief or sense of control. 

The way your life unfolds feels smaller than you know it could be. 

You know you have intuitive gifts and you may feel frustrated that you’re not sure how to integrate your intuition into your world. 

Maybe you avoid having the conversations you really want to have because you’re afraid of what others will think. 

Maybe you feel a fear of the unknown, and the fear keeps you from living with clarity. 

Are you in conflict with yourself? Feeling unclear about your own experiences, or overwhelmed by all that you feel?

monarch butterfly emerging from cocoon

The way to get the most from these events ...

... is to bring yourself fully into the conversation. The more willing you are to be honest with yourself, you’ll be more available to the information and guidance designed in consciousness to speak directly to you.


Simplify Your Approach

Receive tools and perspectives to create a sweet friendship with the mind.

It’s about recognizing that your natural state of being is a feeling of ease and grace. It’s about walking toward the feeling of lightness in your heart. These gatherings, the wisdom and tools offered, offer assistance for you to walk toward what your heart would create in your life rather than trying to get away from what you don’t want.

Neuroscience supports the approach of creating multiple, small experiences of good feelings while relating to a new pattern in order to change neural pathways and generate a new relationship with familiar things. The tools we share provide you with clarity and simplicity. The tools and perspectives we offer guide you to create a space that is absent of judgment where you can have multiple, self-guided experiences of your innate presence. 

You'll create a new relationship with familiar thoughts, emotions and external circumstances. 

Clarity eases the sense of conflict in your relationship with your own mind. Empowered to walk yourself through whatever you feel, you come to know a sense of growing confidence and harmony within yourself. 

From that foundation, all of your relationships can flourish, beginning with the relationship with yourself.

The Tools help you navigate emotions, your own emotions and those of others, so you can feel clarity in your relationships. You come to know a sense of mastery, not because you know all the answers, but because you know how to use the information you have.

But, just learning the tools isn’t enough - we want to integrate the knowledge with felt, intuitive wisdom. To truly know yourself with more clarity takes experience. The magic of these events happens 10 seconds at a time. 

The tools, perspectives and experiences that we share in these events work at every level of consciousness. Engaging at this level of simplicity bypasses the mind’s habit of controlling and micromanaging. We go straight into a dance with our own consciousness, our own presence, and watch as a higher frequency version of ourselves come forward. You’ll know it because you’ll feel it. 

There is no limit to what we can address, discuss and guide you to regenerate in your lifestream. 

This is about learning how to walk differently in a familiar world, connecting with your innate energetic gifts and creating life from the heart.


Private sessions with Kerri will be offered

By appointment. Sessions are US$225 for a 60 minute appointment and provide an audio recording. Please email Kerri directly if you are interested.



What might you experience during and after this program?

Everyone's experience is unique, but there are common threads

Cultivate a sweet relationship between the mind, the body and the heart

  • Experience a new sense of grace in your relationships and communication with all species

  • Feel a sense of increased lightness of being as you walk through your life

  • Live with confidence that, when difficult emotions and energies present, you know your own ability to support and guide your thoughts from the wisdom of your heart. 

  • Watch your body shift and change as you relieve yourself from conflicts that were never yours to carry.

  • Watch and feel over time as you continue to “stay organized” with these tools - you will discover the grand and subtle ways your heart truly begins to create and guide you through your world. 

  • Know yourself in the absence of judgment and feel the lightness of being that is your birthright.

  • Watch relationships evolve in love and clarity

  • Expand your enjoyment of experiences in all circumstances

  • Heal traumas, change patterns and live with an open heart

This is about learning how to walk differently in a familiar world, opening space, creating life from the heart. The Tools Kerri shares empower you to bring your heart forward into every situation, to navigate emotions (yours and others’) with grace, to communicate in a tone that feels true to your heart, and to be willing to receive what actually works for you.

Explore how it feels to operate with no need for conflict or competition.

Exploring together gives us the opportunity to listen each other into being. We are all walking side-by-side. When we engage this way, listening and sharing beyond judgment or competition, together we generate harmony. 

One of the seminal questions I’ve asked myself is “how can I be a human with humans in the same absence of judgment that horses are with humans?”

This event is an opportunity to actually experience yourself being among humans without judgment.

Welcoming a transformation into your genuine expression means you’ll get to use your awareness in new ways among familiar things. Shifting awareness can happen slowly or in big swooshes. It’s impossible to compare “big” movements with “small” movements - trying to think about it in linear terms just limits your experience and slows down the whole works! We’ll play together to generate the space for you to move yourself from your heart toward your heart.

Who is Courage To Feel for?

People in both professional and non-professional settings

For Professional Settings

Therapists, animal assisted professionals, coaches, teachers, nurses and others whose work directly touches the mind, the body and the heart. 

Receiving the assistance of these tools and perspectives accelerates your own evolution and nourishes your capacity to give and receive simultaneously. 

  • Let the tools benefit you personally, and the way you assist your clients will continue to grow, expand and integrate. 

  • Relieve yourself of any and all “compassion fatigue” - there is no need for it. 

  • Clarify and expand your intuitive clarity in service to your clients and to your own journey. 

  • Discover the absolute simplicity of organizing your world from an open heart, and watch how it amplifies abundance, ease, grace and love. 

  • Feel confident in your ability to connect and communicate clearly with your clients.

  • Generate a sense of integrity and honesty with yourself so you can build trust in your work.  

For Non-Professional Settings 

If you have relationships with animals and people in your life, this program is for you. 

These tools and perspectives empower you to know yourself more clearly, regardless of the relationship, so you can show up as your authentic self. 

  • These tools invoke healing and personal evolution on every level - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. 

  • Discover and expand your intuitive clarity. 

  • Discover and expand your ability to communicate with animals and other non-human life. 

  • Discover how intuitive intelligence informs “everyday life” without being in conflict with it.

  • Live in communion with your higher consciousness

  • Enjoy the fluidity of life as the love that you are

Receive tools, perspectives and experiences that are supportive and appropriate for anyone who is on a journey of self-awareness and interested in experiencing ever-deeper aspects of their own heart with simplicity, grace and humor.

How does presence play a role in all of this?

In creating a livelihood from the heart, we step into a whole new level of integrating “doing” and “being.” It’s like taking all of the practice, learning and playtime we’ve invested in knowing and opening our heart, and letting that heart-opening presence begin to transform into action.

Along the way, there will always be opportunities to address old, limiting beliefs, heal wounds and remedy the misunderstandings that leave us feeling powerless.

Over these three and a half days, we’ll address all of this and more in an environment of pure, open-hearted beingness, the way horses, nature and the absence of judgment would have it.

This event can assist you to:

  • Communicate and listen clearly, on every level

  • Listen through resistance

  • Create safety through presence and awareness

  • Create, or re-create relationships based in connection

  • Communicate and listen with compassion

  • Live life with discernment rather than judgment

  • Develop and operate with feel

  • Heal past traumas

  • Be honest with yourself and your loved ones

  • Appreciate your own uniqueness

  • Compete with a lighter heart

  • All-species consciousness

Jim and Mini a gypsy horse share a moment of connection at a Kerri Lake event in Oregon

You don’t have to scare yourself into wholeness!

**Professionals and non-professionals alike are welcome!**


A future of harmony is founded in our own self-awareness.

We are at a point of evolution in how we relate to enlightenment, self-mastery, personal growth, healing, clarity and loving relationships. For thousands of years, the teaching has been about realizing that You are so much more than your body. Today, millions of people are aware that we are energy expressing through a body.

Our evolution accelerates when we begin to welcome all that we are into and through the body, starting right where our lives have us, right now.

Let self-awareness be the foundation on which you stand, the ground from which you apply your tools, and those you work with will begin to rise to meet you at the highest level of awareness you are willing to engage. The only barriers to flourishing relationships from this standpoint are the expectations and judgments you carry with you. To be without judgment is to be closer to how animals live in every moment. It is possible for humans to know and sense the absence of judgment in themselves, although it's admittedly unfamiliar. Let's play with it, and start to get some experience. A little experience can go a very long way.

The tools I share are a distillation of knowledge, awareness, and application through my total surrender to my life’s journey. I’ve had the support of horses and many people on this journey to embody my divine heart. Assisting facilitators and participants alike to greater sensory awareness benefits the whole of life in ripples beyond imagination. Each participant’s self-awareness and self-empowerment makes them infinitely more available to integrate, embody and express their divine, natural state of being.


With nothing to prove and nothing to earn, all are free to share their gifts for the benefit of the whole. Horses demonstrate this way of being, and humanity is finding perpetually more astute and creative ways to notice and adapt our awareness in kind. Horses have never had the opportunity to forget who they are. This is one of the greatest differences between animal consciousness and human consciousness.

follow this link to read more testimonials

I feel fortunate to have attended the class with Kerri. She is a fantastic teacher and I learned a great deal that I can apply to all aspects of my life. I have been on the spiritual path for awhile and have listened to many great speakers but what she had to offer was truly unique and life changing. I really enjoyed her book as well. At the end of the last class all of those present sincerely shared with Kerri about how amazing and impactful the class was for them.

– A.B., Encinitas, CA

“If you are trying to find answers to problems or situations, she will guide you through any blockages, allowing you to discover what is right for YOU not those around you, but you.  In short, Kerri, gives you the opportunity to reconnect to your truth, to your heart; to feel and to believe. Kerri is truly special. I hope you have fun and enjoy working with her.”

-N.C., Bruton, UK

Kerri’s presence made me feel very much alive, and I knew she completely understood me without having even heard anything about my story. This made for a very safe environment. And playing with the tools Kerri presented to us, gave me the opportunity to look at some issues in my life from a different angle, giving me valuable insights and ways to take action towards the true me.”

– K.O., Encinitas, CA

About Kerri Lake

Kerri Lake in a green linen shirt

Drawing from personal experience and broad education, Kerri shares pragmatic tools for self-mastery and living with an open heart in every context. There is no limit to what we can discuss, address, accelerate, clarify and enjoy.

Kerri was aware of her awareness in infancy. Knowing the absence of doubt, and guided by her relationships with animals and nature, she lives deliberately, assisting humanity see and choose kindness and harmony in relationships.

Her primary vehicle for awakening and personal evolution in this life has been relationships - with family, with animals, with partners, with Creator Consciousness and within herself. Her immediate family has been the greatest catalyst of her journey, a perpetual reminder to stay awake, embody love and always continue to awaken to Creator Consciousness.

Kerri is available to work with all whose hearts are thirsty to remember the presence of love through their physical form. Her work includes all species in their relationships with humanity, honoring the profound generosity of non-human life and their commitment to facilitate the arisement of love through our species.

Find her books on amazon and audible.

Kerri Lake

Kerri assists the integration of divine consciousness through everyday life.

Monthly Inspiration - January’s Online Gathering


Monthly Inspiration - May’s Online Gathering