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The Place of No Words - Zagreb, Croatia

Simplicity creates space for connection through the heart
Jednostavnost stvara prostor za vezu kroz srce

It begins with presence

More than ever, humanity is curious, and thirsty to know the experience of connection. When you are willing to walk your walk and guide others on their journey, you accelerate your own journey and welcome ever-greater ease through simplicity

This one day event will explore perspectives to help the mind find ease with emotions and feelings - life’s subtle and often scary and gifts.

We begin at 10:00am on May 24, 2025 in Zagreb
€140 to attend

Enjoy this introduction to Courage To Feel from a previous event held in the US.

Emotions, Feelings & Judgment

Do you remember how it feels to be at home in your own skin? How does it feel to live with clarity rather than protection? Discover perspectives and tools that empower you to navigate empathic information and create graceful relationships.

The insights, perspectives and tools offered in this 1 day event guide you to a new level of clarity, generating a way of being that restores your trust in your own senses, clarifies the sensory information you are aware of, and expands your awareness to welcome more richness into your life.

Hosted by Majda Pazman and
Maja Živanović

May 24, 2025

Recognize, with greater clarity, how your innate intuitive technology is already serving you.

Clarify the way we as humans can craft our communication to meet animals in their world view.

Develop confidence in receiving subtle, non-linear information without abandoning pragmatic action.

Learn to organize your awareness for intuitive information as a foundation for your intellect and learned skills.

Appropriate for professionals and non-professionals, Explore who you are when you are offered total compassion and the absence of judgment among humans.

Blending aspects of mindfulness, animal communication, listening, sensing, movement and simply being, you will discover how your presence creates a sense of safety in your own body, and how it simultaneously offers a sense of safety for others around you.

€140 to attend

Reserve a home-made lunch for €10 - please bring cash.

*Professionals and non-professionals are welcome!*

**Schedule a 1-1 session with Kerri after the event - please request details**
Questions about the event itself? Email Majda Pazman for more info.

The event fee provides you with 1 day of experience and guidance. We’ll have tea and snacks, and a home-made lunch for €10. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation fees, fees for horses, breakfasts and dinners.

This is about learning how to walk differently in a familiar world, doing familiar things in perhaps a new way, connecting with your innate energetic gifts and creating life from the heart.

You’ll be offered very simple, very pragmatic tools to prioritize your awareness for intuitive information. You’ll have opportunities to build confidence in your discernment. You’ll get experience among people and horses to feel yourself communicating from the inside out and clarify your awareness of which energies/information are yours to address and/or transform.

If you have already attended another of Kerri’s events, you will find this event to be affirming and expansive. You will hear some of what you’ve already learned, but you will be able to use the information in new ways. Your creativity and confidence will only grow.

Our Format

I deliberately offer as little structure as necessary - until we gather and I have a chance to hear you, I don’t know exactly how our time can be crafted to serve you.

Our first hour is a time to listen. I will share some introduction, then I will ask the participants to introduce themselves, usually around two questions:

  • What inspired you to be here?

  • Where is your curiosity taking you these days?

Once I’ve heard more from the participants, we will go out to meet the horses participating in our time together. In the first half of the day, Kerri will share a very simple tool of awareness. Through discussion and exercises, we will see how this tool is relevant to your relationships with animals, with other people, and most importantly, within yourself.

These tools, perspectives and experiences help you navigate emotions, your own emotions and those of others, so you can feel clarity in your relationships (with horses and people!). You come to know a sense of confidence in your communication, not because you know all the answers, but because you know how to use the information you have.

Welcoming a transformation into your genuine expression means you’ll get to use your awareness in new ways among familiar things. Shifting awareness can happen slowly or in big swooshes. It’s impossible to compare “big” movements with “small” movements - trying to think about it in linear terms just limits your experience and slows down the whole works! We’ll play together to generate the space for you to move yourself from your heart toward your heart.

The more willing you are to bring your real life to the conversation, the more movement and experience you give yourself through our conversations.

One of the seminal questions I’ve asked is “how can I be a human with humans in the same absence of judgment that horses are with humans?”

This event is an opportunity to actually experience yourself being among humans without judgment.

We will use our awareness to address deep conflicts and defenses in ways that invite humor, kindness, ease and genuine healing.

You don’t have to scare yourself into wholeness!

**Professionals and non-professionals alike are welcome!**

A future of harmony is in our own self-awareness.

We are at a point of evolution in how we relate to enlightenment, self-mastery, personal growth, healing, clarity and loving relationships. For thousands of years, the teaching has been about realizing that You are so much more than your body. Today, millions of people are aware that we are energy expressing through a body.

Our evolution accelerates when we begin to welcome all that we are into and through the body, starting right where our lives have us, right now.

Let self-awareness be the foundation on which you stand, the ground from which you apply your tools, and those you work with will begin to rise to meet you at the highest level of awareness you are willing to engage. The only barriers to flourishing relationships from this standpoint are the expectations and judgments you carry with you. To be without judgment is to be closer to how animals live in every moment. It is possible for humans to know and sense the absence of judgment in themselves, although it's admittedly unfamiliar. Let's play with it, and start to get some experience. A little experience can go a very long way.

The tools I share are a distillation of knowledge, awareness, and application through my total surrender to my life’s journey. I’ve had the support of horses and many people on this journey to embody my divine heart. Assisting facilitators and participants alike to greater sensory awareness benefits the whole of life in ripples beyond imagination. Each participant’s self-awareness and self-empowerment makes them infinitely more available to integrate, embody and express their divine, natural state of being.

With nothing to prove and nothing to earn, all are free to share their gifts for the benefit of the whole. Horses demonstrate this way of being, and humanity is finding perpetually more astute and creative ways to notice and adapt our awareness in kind. Horses have never had the opportunity to forget who they are. This is one of the greatest differences between animal consciousness and human consciousness.

I feel fortunate to have attended the class with Kerri. She is a fantastic teacher and I learned a great deal that I can apply to all aspects of my life. I have been on the spiritual path for awhile and have listened to many great speakers but what she had to offer was truly unique and life changing. I really enjoyed her book as well. At the end of the last class all of those present sincerely shared with Kerri about how amazing and impactful the class was for them.

– A.B., Encinitas, CA

“If you are trying to find answers to problems or situations, she will guide you through any blockages, allowing you to discover what is right for YOU not those around you, but you.  In short, Kerri, gives you the opportunity to reconnect to your truth, to your heart; to feel and to believe. Kerri is truly special. I hope you have fun and enjoy working with her.”

-N.C., Bruton, UK

Kerri’s presence made me feel very much alive, and I knew she completely understood me without having even heard anything about my story. This made for a very safe environment. And playing with the tools Kerri presented to us, gave me the opportunity to look at some issues in my life from a different angle, giving me valuable insights and ways to take action towards the true me.”

– K.O., Encinitas, CA

May 8

The Place of No Words - Matfield, UK

May 25

Listen Like a Horse and Discover a Place of No Words - Rock Ranč, Šentvid pri Stični, Slovenia