I’m Just Saying…
The idea here is to share the things I am consistently wanting to share but consistently don’t for a whole lot of reasons. It’s like that the most true reason is the same reason that holds any of us back from our fullest, inspired expression - life is a bit of a puzzle for each of us to work through in our own way. The puzzle is unique, the approach is unique, the journey of working the puzzle is unique to each and every one of us in a body.
And simultaneously, it’s all kind of the same.
The things I have to share are probably consistent with the paradigm of “spiritual teacher,” but I really haven’t wanted to go there. I don’t want to go there! What I want to do is share and listen and explore as if all of this is ordinary. Because what I’m sharing is my library of perspectives on what it is to navigate life as a human in these times. This is ordinary living. At a time when everything is changing.
So, I’ll share what is ordinary for me. It might seem extraordinary to you. Your life might seem extraordinary to me! Ultimately, who cares about the comparisons - let’s be with one another as we are. Let’s acknowledge and celebrate the ordinaryness of being extraordinary. Let’s participate in creating the world we walk into by relaxing into who we are. This is the paradox that all of our puzzles were built by. Our ordinary lives were the inspiration for the moving staircases at Hogwarts! It’s all for our enjoyment, even when its hard or scary. Stay with me on that one… We’ll walk through it together. And you might start to see the perspectives and options to not take ourselves so seriously … I’m just saying…