From Nashville, TN

"I'm a bit past the halfway mark of the book (Listen Like A Horse), and it's fabulous! 

It seems to hit "below the mind" as I feel it in my heart when reading/listening. The patient, unhurried tone matches that of your play with Cooper, and seems to occupy my mind in a way that keeps it engaged without trying to interfere with the more visceral experience. It feels satisfied, as if it's out to pasture, and not trying to force things.

I certainly can identify with Cooper, feeling the effects of a lifetime of "handling."  But I also identify with the handlers, being on both sides of this tug-of-war we mis-label as life. Your writing brings out the longing for connection which has become less muted through the inner tumult of the past few years."

- M.B, Nashville, TN

Kerri Lake

Kerri assists the integration of divine consciousness through everyday life.

From Encinitas, CA


From Encinitas, CA