Universal Sentience

Life exists in perpetual communication with itself.  

Presence and energy are communicated before language, action or knowledge.

A connection based in ease and harmony.  

If you feel a pure-hearted draw to know extra-planetary life, that life will be drawn to connect with you.

— Kerri Lake

Starry night sky with Milky Way and silhouettes of trees.

We have never been alone

Life exists at every level of consciousness. When you make yourself available with a clear and open heart, you will be met at the highest levels of awareness that will best complement you on your personal journey.

Along with the millions of other species who share this planet alone, countless others live beyond this planet, available at various levels of consciousness.

Contact begins with you. With your consciousness. Are you war-like? Are you peace-building? Are you curious or dominating? Connection with any species, including our own, begins with self-awareness, with becoming clear about what you want to offer, to create, to share.

This is a position of true power - "power with" rather than "power over."

Opening to connect with extra-planetary species can begin by connecting with those who already share our planet. The skills are simple, the application is pragmatic. The connection will be felt through the heart. This is your true capacity as Creator incarnate.

Consciousness is “Open Source”

Overhead view of two pairs of feet on a sidewalk with "Passion Led Us Here" written on it.

Consciousness is “open source.” You are always contributing to it and you always have access to it. You are unique in your access - to use a computer analogy, you are a unique “IP address". Your awareness, your heart, your curiosity is an indispensable key to opening communication for the whole.

Discover how you might transcend the judgments and beliefs about planetary life, extra-planetary life and your relationships with all of life.

Discover your innate intuitive capacity to know your extra-planetary connections and how your peaceful invitation to connect will contribute to the evolution of humanity in consciousness and as a peaceful member of a universal community.

Let’s leave aside for a moment the conversation about aliens and governments, and instead begin to explore your own direct connection with all of consciousness.

Offer Connection

You have the ability to step straight into a dance with your own consciousness, your own presence, and watch as a higher frequency version of yourself comes forward. You’ll know it because you’ll feel it. 

You might engage with vedic meditations, protocols for connection, or the simple, heartfelt desire to welcome off-planet intelligence with peace and harmony in your heart. There are many paths to creating a space of communication, welcome and contact. What matters is the consistency of your offer, the state of peace and knowing that you honor their sovereignty to connect or not.

Contact with off-planet beings happens very much like contact with on-planet beings - with an open heart. Where are you curious? What would you like to share?

Each of us will have our own unique capacity to open to this consciousness, each will have our own unique desires, tolerances and interest. Simplify your approach to know first what you intend, what you want, and what you would like to co-create. Know that the Universe is benevolent, and you are already a citizen of this benevolence. From that foundation, you may create simply through the integration of thought and feeling.

Invoke your innate ability to know, to communicate, to be without doubt or judgment through all walks of life and at all frequencies.

Every path leads to the heart.

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